Monica Neubauer
Maverick Motivator
Monica Neubauer
Maverick Motivator
As a Maverick Motivator, Monica Neubauer’s mission is to help people grow in positive directions in their personal and professional lives. She is the author of Straight Talk for Real Estate Success: 80 Tips for Structuring, Organizing, and Promoting Your Business, the Podcast host for NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development, has worked 18+ years as a successful real estate professional and 10 years speaking nationally. As a voracious learner with varied life experiences, Monica is committed to creating a highly interactive learning environment with engagement and stories so the audience leaves wanting more. Her topics include communication, modern selling practices, negotiation, problem solving and maintaining a healthy life balance throughout.
Monica believes life is meant to be lived fully. She is an adventurer in every sense of the word. Her experiences include being a television actress, an international traveler and a lifetime entrepreneur in real estate and retail fashion. Monica studies first-hand the cultural differences that exist within the human experience. Her broad perspective is inclusive and with her direct, no nonsense speaking style, she challenges the audience to think in different ways as they look to shape their futures. A maverick is an independent-minded person who believes in the freedom to choose their own definition of success and Monica incorporates that philosophy in her programming as she motivates her audiences and clients to apply what they learn directly to their own business and personal lives. Living an intentional life sums up Monica’s central message.