
New Instructor and/or Course Applications

Thank you for your interest in becoming an instructor and submitting courses to our Partners in Education Program.

Before completing any forms and applying to become an instructor and/or submit a course for consideration, please read the INSTRUCTOR AND COURSE INFORMATION SHEET.

To be considered to become an approved GAR Partners in Education instructor, submit an instructor application along with a course application to the Professional Development Department via the online forms (see below). Instructor applications without an accompanying course application will not be considered.

For a brief summary of how our Partners in  Education Program works, click here.

The instructor and/or course application submission deadlines are as follows: 

  • March 1
  • June 1
  • September 1
  • December 1

Applications will be considered at the Professional Development Committee meeting scheduled after each deadline date.

Instructors will be notified once decisions have been made by the Professional Development Committee.


To submit an application to become a Partners in Education instructor, you must satisfy ONE of the following requirements and submit at least one course application:    

  1. Hold an active instructor license from the Georgia Real Estate Commission or Georgia Real Estate Appraiser’s Board, OR
  2. Complete all four (4) modules of the online instructor development courses developed by Carmel Streater, PhD, DREI, within the four (4) years prior to application (click here), OR
  3. Complete any other instructor training class as approved by the Professional Development Committee, OR
  4. Complete the Georgia Instructor Training (GIT) workshop within the four (4) years prior to application.  (For information on the GIT, please visit the following link: www.grec-git.com.), OR
  5. Provide evidence of teaching at least four (4) classes involving a minimum of twelve (12) hours within the six (6) months prior to application or at least ten (10) classes involving a minimum of thirty (30) hours within the twelve (12) months prior to application.  Classes must be approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission or Georgia Real Estate Appraiser’s Board, OR
  6. Provide evidence of at least twenty-five (25) hours of platform presentation within the six (6) months prior to application or at least sixty (60) hours of platform presentation within the twelve (12) months prior to application.

Your application will not be submitted to the Professional Development Committee for consideration until all the above requirements have been met.

Once your application is received, the Professional Development Committee will make the final decision as to whether you will become a GAR-approved instructor, eligible to teach through our Partners in Education program.

If you are approved as a GAR Partners in Education instructor, the Professional Development Committee will then consider your course application(s) (see below).

If you are approved as a Partners in Education (PIE) instructor, you will be a provisional instructor until you have taught at least (3) PIE class sessions and earn a combined average evaluation grade of three (3) or higher within eighteen (18) months of your approval.

The application requires you to provide:

  • A Submission Video. Please provide a 1- to 3-minute video introducing yourself to the Profressional Development Committee. Make sure you tell the Committee Members about you, your passions, and why you want to become a PIE Instructor.
  • A head shot for use on our websites and as part of your bio, should you be approved.
  • A short (2-3 paragraphs) bio in WORD format.
  • All information you would like the Professional Development Committee to review in WORD or PDF format.
  • Documentation of meeting the Instructor Requirements listed above (coursework, etc.)




To submit a course for consideration by the Professional Development Committee, you must first be an approved Partners in Education instructor (see above).

Before submitting a course application, review the following documents:

All class materials, including the presentation (for example, a PowerPoint presentation), and the handout must be included in your application. For the handout, please keep in mind that the Class Sponsor makes a copy for each student. Therefore, please try to keep the number of pages in the handout to a minimum. We prefer not to use your presentation as a handout. If you want students to have a copy of your presentation, they may request it from you via email (or any other method you prefer) after the class. 

In your course application, you may also upload a short, course-specific video link. If the course is approved, the video link will be a part of your course description in our online course catalog.

The application requires you to provide:

  • Measurable objectives (minimum 1 per hour) (Refer to the Proper Course Objectives document.)
  • Detailed timeline (must have a minimum of 180 minutes of instruction, including a 15-minute break)
  • Slide Presentation (if used) – strongly recommended
  • Student handout (If different than presentation printed 3 slides per page)
  • Special instructions – if forms or worksheets used, indicate order to be placed in handout




If you have any questions, please contact the Professional Development Department at , 470-990-7368.